Meet Trey Bianchini
Trey Bianchini, Abby Zavos, & Rob Kopf
november 19th, 2021

Meet Trey Bianchini, Infinity developer who, in his spare time likes to make really good espresso and also, electric guitars.
Name, Company, Title, City
Trey Bianchini, Infinity Interactive, Programmer, Omaha, NE
How long have you been at Infinity?
Since 2012.
What are six words you think of when you think of Infinity?
Flexible, Fun, Competent, Modern, Attentive, and Pajamas.
What is one thing you think people might not know about Infinity, but should?
It’s a very solid, stable, secure place to work even though it is 100% virtual. And we have good pay and great benefits.
Do you have a hidden talent? Juggling? Trapeze, perhaps?
I have a bunch of hobbies. I like to occasionally make balsa and or plastic models, woodworking (luthiery, I’ve built a few electric guitars from scratch), fishkeeping (I have a goldfish tank and a pico reef) and I play guitar and a little piano, and I like to read a lot. I think my hidden talent is napping!
You’ve built a few electric guitars. That’s amazing! Tell us more!
I just wanted an instrument that wasn’t like what I could find in stores. I enjoy working with my hands, so I made my own. I play them all the time. The bodies are construction grade pine, salvaged from old house and barn teardowns in Nebraska (the darker ones) and the necks are maple.

How long did that take?
Countless hours, really. It’s an ongoing process and I learn a little more every time I make one. If I had to make one under duress, I could probably do it in 80 person-hours but not necessarily in two weeks, if that makes sense. The process is more than just science; there’s an art to it. I wouldn’t want to take on making guitars for money. I’m not comfortable that I have the skill level yet, and it’s not an ambition of mine.
What can always make you smile?
The Three Stooges (Curly!) and I love old movies too. My favorite movie is probably The Best Years of Our Lives, which is about men coming home after WWII and their struggles to return to normal life. I especially love old war movies. Twelve O’Clock High with Gregory Peck is another favorite.
Ok, why Curly?
Curly was to comedy what Larry Bird was to basketball. Curly was a comedy genius. Moe was the straight guy, I don’t know what Larry was doing, and Curly was the talent of the operation. Curly was the funny one, who made it worth watching.
Dogs or cats? Support your answer.
Cats. I love my cat Rascal, aka “death on three legs”, affectionate independence. Also, I trust my cat not to do anything stupid that I’d never really trust a dog not to do.

What’s the most unusual job you’ve had?
I’ve been a busboy, dishwasher, fast food worker (Arby’s), furniture mover, junk hauler, aquarium shop employee, tree service worker, deli cook, orderly, airline reservationist, human services worker for the disabled, bartender, and computer programmer. I might have forgotten something there too.
What’s the last book you read and loved?
I read a lot, so… I just finished reading Conan The Defender by Robert Jordan. I think he really captured the REH* vibe. I’m currently reading Agatha Christie’s Mrs. Marple mystery They Do it with Mirrors. A few weeks ago I read (or reread rather), Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, which was the last serious book I read. The last few years, my favorite author has been Raymond Chandler, and I’ve been reading some of his novels.
*Ed. for the uninitiated, REH stands for Robert E. Howard, author and creator of the Conan the Barbarian character.
What’s your morning coffee ritual?
I’m a coffee freak, and commonly use scales and timers when I make it.
I have a Mazzer Mini grinder that I bought used in Brooklyn that Ducks (former II employee) was nice enough to pick up and ship to me, and a Lelit espresso machine that I bought from 1st-line in New Jersey (highly recommended online coffee equipment company). I also like to make French press coffee and pour-overs, I have a nice hand grinder and a stovetop gooseneck kettle for that.
Where did your commitment to coffee come from?
When I would visit my grandpa in Jersey City, he’d make Italian espresso in one of those big nose coffee pots, and we’d have coffee with Anisette liquor after dinner. I didn’t see him that often, so those moments stuck with me and I think that’s where my love of espresso comes from. Later, in college, he gave me a moka pot, and I started making my own. It wasn’t easy finding a place that served espresso in Omaha in the 80s, I can tell you.